For the couple desiring to discover themselves, explore their partner, strengthen their foundation and experience the deepest intimacy you've ever felt.

This container is the perfect start when you don’t know where to begin exploring with your partner, no matter how long you've been together, or how well you know each other.

We want to take intimacy from feeling like "work" to being the most exciting, yummy, and sensual experience of your life. Together we turn every evening into the date night you didn't know you needed between you and your beloved. 

from stagnant to ecstatic. 

Guiding couples

For the devotional couples looking to 

dive deeper

Practice the art of slowing down by learning how to be present in your body. Bring your focus back through meditation and make your way through every sensation of yours and your partner's body - sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and energy. Savor every moment and rush to nothing.

what to expect

slow down and be present

Experiencing intimacy and helping others access it lights me up like NOTHING ELSE. I believe the union between the masculine and feminine is the epitome of the human experience on Earth.

Our souls live in the ethers while we wait to embody a physical vessel. Once we are born, we begin to experience all the sensations and emotions of the human body. We are now in a Body of God. Through one another, we get to know ourselves and feel the full spectrum of life. 

This is it, babe. 

why I'm in love with this work

Ignite senses you didn't know you had by playing with masculine and feminine energy, direct & indirect, energetic touch and the elements - fire, water, earth and air. Introduce tools, such as flowers, candles, foods and music to amplify the space. Tap into conscious touch, where you are able to discern your own desires from your partner's and how to beautifully fulfill both.

awaken and play

Create the perfect space for you to open up and connect to yourself, your partner, and God. Be guided through eye gazing, synchronized breath work, and experiment with Tantric positions that invite in deeper intimacy, bringing you closer to your partner. Turn the simplest moments into the most satisfying rituals.

create and connect

Welcome the release of trauma stuck in your body. Lean in to stored emotions that are asking to be felt. Move through discomfort so there is more space in the heart for love. Become a safe witness to your partners pain and pleasure. Explore ways to break open more intimacy through regulating and co-regulating your nervous system. 

Surrender and release

Learn how you want to be loved and the best ways to love your partner. Take time to appreciate your beloved through adoration and worship. Access a new depth of honoring one another for who they are, how divine their body is and acknowledging all they do. It's the little things that make you fall in love.

love, honor and worship

full body yes

Step into your next edge of power & pleasure.

A six-week container, online or in-person, where you will be supported through unlimited access to messaging with me between each session for any questions or help with integration. I am here to hold you through this process, as an individual and as a couple. 

Book a 30 minute connect call with me below to feel if we are a good fit to work together. I am honored to be your guide on the path of divine union. 

$1222 USD


ready when you are


Two payments
of $620 uSD

feeling the pull?

book a call