your heart

A six-week container, online or in-person, for the woman who is ready to melt off the years of fear, trauma, stagnant emotions, and come into her voice, open her heart and connect to her womb through the power of her body. 

into something

is calling you


This is your homecoming.

Connecting to God through the feminine body and spirit is a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

This sacred connection invites a greater awareness of the power held within the womb space, which allows one to access inner wisdom.

We will take women's health practices, ancient wisdom, spiritual ceremonies and turn them into rituals. This cultivates a sense of grounding and openness while unlocking the ability to receive and flow with life's abundance. There will be a focus on the support of release practices and embodiment work during this process, helping to shed stagnant energies, heal past traumas, and reconnect with the natural rhythms of the body. 

Through this creation, we turn old fears into new loves.

welcome to the journey back to yourself

this is for the women
who are ready to surrender

For the goddess who is willing to face the pain so she can receive even richer pleasure. She craves this medicine because she knows there is so much more to life. My intention is to clear out the fog and open your channel up for clear guidance as you step into the life of your dreams.

I am walking this path with you, and that is why I know it works. My passion is to help women reach their deepest desires. This container creates a sacred space to weave the mind, body and spirit with a focus on the divine feminine. 

full body yes

Here to hold you through it all

clear the vessel

Begin letting go of stagnant energy, trauma, and pain in the body through a powerful combination of stretching, shaking, dancing, lymphatic drainage and fascial release. These movements target opening the hips, resetting the nervous system, activating the flow of hormones and accessing stubborn points of discomfort through softening fascia. These practices invite you to let go of emotions as they are the memory bank of the body.

what to expect

Every session will begin with a meditation, breath work, and movement practice to get us present in our bodies and ready to receive the juiciness. 

awaken the heart

We often get too caught up in our heads, logically trying to make sense of things that only the heart can lead us through. Reawaken the heart through sacred rage practices, breast massage and  emotional release. This opens the body up to honor and let go of repressed anger, feel and hold the depth of emotions and pour love into the breasts, a part of a woman that we often forget holds great power.

strengthen the foundation

Play around with the masculine and feminine energies by activating, amplifying or resetting energy through pelvic polarity movements. This is the beginning of creating union within yourself and getting to experience what feels best for your body. Both with and without a Jade egg you learn how to have an unbreakable foundation. These exercises are hormone balancing, sensitivity increasing, natural lubrication producing, orgasm promoting, libido increasing, trauma healing, pleasure enhancing, preserves sexual energy and stimulates reflexology points for overall organ healing.

open the channel

Accessing the yoni, or womb space, is the superpower of a woman as it allows us to connect to ourselves, others and God. It is the ultimate channel to receiving messages from God, spirit guides and ancestors. Our womb often gets filled with stagnant energy, repressed emotions and unprocessed trauma, as well as physical symptoms, such as missing / irregular cycle, menopause, pelvic floor dysfunction, infections, painful periods / sex, hemorrhoids, postpartum care, cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, prepping for pregnancy or struggling with fertility. We clear these blocks and open the channel through an ancient ceremonial yoni steam.

portal to pleasure

Every human carries sexual energy, and all sexual energy is creative energy. Every woman carries a portal between her legs. A portal that takes any idea, desire or soul and brings it to life. When we weave these two together, we hold a potent formula for calling in our soul's deepest desires. We will harness this magic through discovering and deepening pleasure, and learn how manifestation works through co-creating with God and our sexual energy, while adding tools on how to amplify this energy, such as the Moon.

release to receive

Journey deeper into womb wisdom by exploring your yoni with mapping, dearmoring and massage. This is the highest form of self-care taking you from pain and numbness to pleasure. Learn to honor this sacred space of the goddess by slowly getting to know every inch of your body and yoni, melting down the walls that have been built up to protect you and transforming stagnancy into ecstasy. Create space to let go of fear and receive safety, intimacy and abundance.

A six-week container, online or in-person, consisting of two-hour sessions followed up by PDF's for your continued practice at home. You have unlimited messaging access to me during this container as I hold every part of you through this process. 

Book a free 30 minute connect call with me to see if we are meant to walk this path together. I can't wait to connect with you, sister!

$888 USD



This container is a safe space of transformation. By opening this sacred gateway, you awaken yourself to profound wisdom, unconditional love, and the flow of divine energy, allowing you to embody your true essence.



book a call

Two payments of 
$444 USD
